
Sunday, 22 February 2015

Pheasant in the Snow

This was one of two male Ring-necked Pheasants in Allan and Brenda's yard in Sandford NS.
I had originally thought it was a single bird until I checked my photos. This bird had some white on
top of it's head while the first bird had none. Feb. 21.

Female Cardinal

I haven't had many opportunities to photograph Cardinals. This is the best I have gotten to date.
Feb. 21, Sandford NS.

Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Birds and Snow

White-throated Sparrow

Blue Jay

Pine Siskin

Red-breasted Nuthatch

Pine Siskin

These were all taken in my yard against a snowy background from February 8 to 15.
It's been a pretty snowy winter here this year in Nova Scotia.

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Common Redpoll

These are all shots of the same bird, a lone individual that showed up at the feeder one day - Feb 3.
There have been a few birds since mixed in with large flocks of Pine Siskins.

Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Black Ducks and Mallards

The bird on the left has a bit of a green sheen on the head which suggests it is a Black Duck/Mallard cross which is
a fairly common occurrence. Besides the head, the bill colour also suggests it is the male in this pair.

This male Mallard is also likely to be a Mallard/ Black Duck cross given it's odd colouring.
All shots were taken January 26, Mathew's Lake.