
Thursday, 31 December 2015

Snow Geese at Christmas

I had heard from friends there were Snow Geese in the area and having some free time Christmas Day I went to check the area they were last seen in Rockland. I managed to find two birds, an adult and juvenile but they weren't very approachable. I wasn't able to find them the following day so all I have is a couple of flight shots, the last post for 2015.

Ruby-crowned Kinglet

This was the only bird I managed to get a reasonable photograph of during the annual Christmas Bird Count. It was a particularly cold and windy day. December 20, Hemeon's Head.

Sunday, 27 December 2015


This was the best opportunity I've had to photograph a Dickcissel. The bird was quite co-operative although the grass made it a bit of a challenge. I'm not sure if this is a female or immature male. December 13, Hemeon's Head.

Great Egret

Another shot from November, this one on the 15th at Matthew's Lake. On this day there were two Great Egrets there which might be a first for me in NS. I have seen a single bird as recently as December 13.

American Robins and Holly Berries

I haven't posted for a while partly because I've been busy with other things and the few times I've been out to take pictures I haven't come home with anything worthwhile. These shots go back to November 7 when I found a flock of Robins feeding on this holly tree near the shore in East Jordan. They seemed particularly attracted to these berries even though there were others in the vicinity.
I included the last shot because of its uncluttered background.