
Sunday, 19 January 2020

Ruffed Grouse and Mountain Ash Berries



Lynn said...

Hey Russel....these are beautiful grouse pictures. I hope you're well since January is your last post!!?? We are under "stay at home" orders here...very surreal. I wonder what Charlie has to say about all of this? At least, we are able to walk down to our creek and be on wooded paths there. Spring has arrived so I can work in my gardens. Please tell Donna Hello from me...I've been so bad about keeping in touch. I'm assuming you guys are in a safe bubble up there...Lynchburg has been safe until Liberty University (where Charlie is teaching) allowed students to come back from spring break...unbelievable!!Now we have 3 cases...

Stay well and think of you often, Lynn

Russel Crosby said...

Hi Lynn, sorry I didn't find your comment earlier. It's been over three weeks since you posted and things have escalated since then. This will be my fifth week in self isolation, only getting out to grocery shop every two weeks. There are currently over 800 cases of COVID 19 here in NS but none local that I'm aware of. I've taken a few pictures lately around home and thankfully I still have work in the shop. I'll say hi to Donna for you in the meantime please stay safe.