
Wednesday, 23 August 2023

Pectoral Sandpiper - Adult

 I've spent a lot of my time photographing shorebirds in the last month or so.  I generally don't expect to find Pectoral Sandpipers early in the season. This was the third week of July so I guess it's not surprising that this bird was an adult. Maybe the first adult I've photographed. The Juveniles come later which is true for all the shorebirds and for Pectorals they come in greater numbers so are not hard to find.

They say that Pectorals resemble a large Least Sandpiper. Well here is a good comparison in the second photo, the Pectora being the much larger of the two. There were at least two individuals on this day. I did attempt to photograph them on a second day but I encountered something I wasn't expecting. More on that in the next post.

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