
Thursday 15 September 2022

Spotted Sandpiper - Close up

 A late nesting by Spotted Sandpipers allowed me to get close to this bird as some young ones were seen nearby. I only became aware of that fact when the bird continued to fly in front of me as I walked along the trail. 


Unknown said...

Nice pics Russel, how is that R7 working out?

Keep up the great work.


Russel Crosby said...

Thanks Emerson,
It took awhile to figure out the autofocus on the camera but now that I have it set up in a way that works for me I like it a lot. Definitely better for action than my DSLRs and having the silent shutter is nice. There are some rolling shutter issues but they don't seem to be a problem for me so far. I wonder how the camera would be with one of the RF lenses, I guess you can get more frames per second in electronic shutter mode but that could mean more rolling shutter artifacts.